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News is a necessary tool to keep students / parents informed about all the daily institutional activities. It provides update about various schools / colleges activities like: news, time-table schedules, updates, academic events, performances, student awards, and community occasion. It helps to stay updated with academic news which can be sent to the students and parents on weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. They can also plan their schedules to attend upcoming events, or extra-curricular activities of their children.

Even so, this module will help in catching parents attention. Hard copies of News gets mostly unnoticed and make a piles of unread news content. Usually the reader wants the content that is short, precise and easy to catch the attention. Most parents disengage from their school communications over time. School Management Software produces the news which is easy to access and read, it will certainly save management's time & money.

The News are highly informational and release high-quality content for parents / students to read in a timely manner. Usually small schools are hustling to switch to Online school management system just to save money and paperwork but they cannot afford the high maintenance and high configuration software's, but Techno-MS Education management is the solution for all their problems as its low-cost and economical. It can be afforded by any independent academic institutes.



Publish News

Genius Education Management helps in creating News, the fundamental communication tool between the schools & student families. It becomes very easy to send, receive and read in today's generation with the Genius app. Admin / Principal can publish various Online News and send it to Students and Parents with short and precise information so that it can be read with more interest.It builds the communication efficiency of the ERP system with quick and easy information delivery. Schools / Colleges issue News to sustain communication between School and Student / Parents. Thus there is no requirement to waste time and money in developing Paper News, instead E-Newsletter is created for Educational institutes efficiently and effectively.

Read News

Reading News has made communicating with parents very quick, easy and favorable. Reading daily news makes the Students / Parents more involved and committed with the institute.The system is very easy to understand and it has greatly improved the communication with the parents.This system can help to bring small schools into the mobile age with Techno-MS Education Management, it is inexpensive school management ERP system. Using an online source will save the news creator's time, allowing them to better use it towards what schools is best at and educate. Online News are available anytime, anywhere, thus improving efficiency. They save parents and administrators, both time and effort.

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